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TLC for Pets


Welcome To Our Animal Hospital in Reisterstown

a man and woman running with their dog

Animal Hospital in Reisterstown

If you are a cat or dog owner, keeping your pet healthy throughout their life is of the utmost importance. Reach out to Animal Hospital in Reisterstown to make an appointment with our veterinarian any time you feel your pet needs medical care. Here are some services our animal hospital provides.

Well Visits For Optimal Health

Pets require yearly visits to our veterinarian to check them for possible health problems. During a yearly pet care visit, our vet will note your pet's weight to see if there was a drastic change from the previous appointment. This could indicate a need for treatment. Your pet's body and its systems will be checked in detail for any abnormalities. Our pet will clean your pet's teeth and clip their nails or claws at the appointment as well.

Preventative Care Tactics

Pets require a few preventative actions to keep them from falling victim to harsh medical conditions. Our veterinarian provides pets with parasite prevention to keep fleas and ticks from becoming nuisances, as well as internal parasite prevention to keep pets from suffering from health issues they cause. Microchipping is available to help you become reunited with your pet it if strays away from home. Spaying and neutering are provided to keep your pet from reproducing. Immunizations are also given to pets to protect them from diseases and other medical troubles.

Emergency Care When Necessary

A pet that falls ill or that becomes injured requires immediate treatment. Our veterinarian is available to care for pets that have suffered from trauma, that need a surgical procedure, or that just do not feel up to par. Contact our vet to alert our office of the problem so our staff will be ready for your pet's arrival so that we can provide prompt treatment in these types of situations.

Call our Animal Hospital in Reisterstown Today!

Contact our Animal Hospital in Reisterstown to make an appointment with our veterinarian if your pet requires any type of treatment. Call our office at (410) 833-1717 today for more information about our practice or to inquire about veterinary care for your dog or cat.